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CopyHour Course (3-Payments)

Learn the million dollar skill of copywriting, starting from zero, in just 90 days.

Here's what a tiny investment in the CopyHour Course gets you:

  • 90 Email Assignments (Delivered Daily)
  • Online Training Modules
  • Research Guide (Updated for ChatGPT)
  • Dropbox Swipe File with 1000's of sales letters to study

What People Are Saying About Derek & CopyHour:

In 2013 I spent an hour every day for 6 months (CopyHour) rewriting the best sales pages of all time. I wasn't a great writer before starting that. But after, I learned how to effectively use the written word to sell products. And it worked. I started a newsletter business (The Hustle) and sold it for tens of millions of dollars.

Sam Parr | The Hustle (acquired by HubSpot) | My First Million podcast

There’s something almost mystical about CopyHour. You undergo some sort of metamorphosis. I know a lot of the folks who have done it. They’ve all gotten scary good in a short amount of time. I met Derek last month while I was in San Diego. I told him I thought my return on investment with CopyHour was about 15,000x.

Dan Ferrari | "Best Active Copywriter Working Today" | Dig In Agency | Motley Fool